Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I Wish


Sometimes I wish my thoughts were deep,
That my words would make people think,
Make them ooh and aah,
Be amazed by my mind!

I wish I could write of war and peace,
Of Xanadu and beyond,
Talk about the stars and moon,
Of deep space, black holes and Mars.

I wish my words would flow,
Like a river of honey sweet,
And could melt your minds and hearts,
Make you taste and smell and see.

I wish I were politically savvy,
Could write a poem to end all wars,
And make the politicians hear,
And make them care about the things they do.

I wish I could write of poverty,
Of injustice and hardship,
Of struggle for freedom and,
Somehow with my words make it right.

I wish I my poetry would make people understand,
Religion isn’t meant to be used,
In anger and hatred and killing,
But to love your neighbor as yourself.

I wish my words could get the world together,
To understand we are all different,
That cultures need not clash,
But could blend and enrich each other.

But I’m not a complex person,
My poems and words are simple ones,
So while my poetry will never rock the world,
I will share it and my love with you.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Queer Victoria - a google search poem

This poem needs some explaination. This was written from google search words that took people to my sister, Victoria's, blog. The words were: Queer Victoria, Karate, Separtist planet, driving on the left side of the road, hairy black women, fucking Chamarro girls, Kit Kat Klub, anal, autistic psychopathy, and main and kill periodical love.
Victoria said there's a poem in there somewhere, so I set out to write one and here is the result.

Queer Karate Victoria from a
Separatist Planet of beautiful women,
Wrote a letter against driving
On the left side of the road.

We sat, the pseudo-intellectuals,
Around a table at Sullivan’s,
Drinking pitchers of beer,
Solving all the problems of the world.

Separatist planet of beautiful women are
Against hairy black women
On the left side of the road,
Fucking Chamorro girls,

Around a table at Sullivan’s,
Priscilla, Kip, John and me,
Solving all the problems of the world,
Young and so sure of all we said.

Against hairy black women in
Kit Kat Klub anal movies
On the left side of the road
Of autistic pschopathy as

Priscilla, Kip, John and me,
Friends and lovers joined in mind,
Solving all the problems of the world,
All the problems except our own.

Kit Kat Klub anal movies
Maim and kill periodical love,
Of autistic psychopathy,
On the right side of the road as

Friends and lovers joined in mind,
Seeking truth in a pitcher of beer,
Young and so sure of all we said,
We knew nothing and no less today.

They maim and kill periodical love,
Not beautiful, skinny or rich, standing
On the right side of the road
Are the real women.

Seeing truth in a pitcher of beer,
Never finding what we sought,
We knew nothing and no less today,
Still we did try to change the world.