Friday, September 22, 2006

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

Come all and share in the harvest,
Prepare for the winters cold winds,
Tonight we are the harvesters and hunters,
The light of the water and earth.

We will cut the willows,
Gather seeds and pods,
Grapes for our winter wine,
Give offerings to the land.

Give praise to Mabon and Modron
God and Goddess of the harvest,
Honor the ones who left this land,
With apples upon their graves.

Together we walk the forest,
Gather dried plants and herbs,
Fill our baskets with the offerings,
Passion flower, sage, rose, and myrrh.

Our friends the wolves and eagles,
All animals of the forest and skies,
Share in our harvest as they too
Prepare for the winter to come.

We will feast upon cornbread.
Squash, grains and berries,
Drink wine and ale to hearts content,
Sleep a good sleep,

For soon the autumn will end,
The harvest will be over,
The gods and goddesses be praised,
As winter blankets the earth.


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