Friday, September 22, 2006

In Kindergarten


In kindergarten we learned the ABC’s,
That naps were good and were often
Followed by cookies and milk
And a wonderful story time.

In kindergarten we learned to share,
Our toys and to play with others,
That finger painting was messy
And oh! So much fun!

In kindergarten we learned to be polite,
To say please, and thank you,
Excuse me and bless you!
When someone sneezed!

In kindergarten we learned whispering
And telling secrets about another
Wasn’t nice and wasn’t how
Good people acted towards others.

In kindergarten we learned to
Take our muddy shoes off
Before entering the room
So not to track dirt on the floor.

In kindergarten we learned
Teachers were to be respected
To listen when they spoke,
To learn what they taught.

In kindergarten we learned
We could make new friends,
But the old friends would
Still be there when we got home.

In kindergarten we learned making cards
For our parents was fun and
Our parents liked them! The
Gift meant more than the cost.

In kindergarten we learned
To clean up our messes when done,
To put away our toys
Or crayons, scissors and paper.

In kindergarten we learned not to
Talk behind others backs or to
Tell stories to their friends,
To make them not like them.

In kindergarten we learned
We didn’t judge each other,
But accepted each other
As we were for who we were.

In kindergarten our fights were
Over who got the red or blue crayon,
Not over who voted red or blue,
Or what government policy was right.

In kindergarten the teacher
Settled the dispute and we
Accepted the decision and
Went on with our play.

Sometimes I wish we could
All go back to kindergarten.


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